Home>Journals>Journal of Rice Research 2019 (Volume 12)
Efficacy of azoxystrobin 25 SC against rice sheath blight and glume discoloration diseases of rice
Surendran M, Anet K Thomas, Nimmy Jose and Vandana Venugopal
A bio-intensive insect pest management module for samba organic rice cultivation in new cauvery
delta zone
Nalini R and S Porpavai
Isolation of crude toxin, thin layer chromatography (TLC) and HPLC analysis of Bipolaris oryzae,
inciting brown spot disease of rice
Valarmathi P, Ladhalakshmi D, Kartar Singh, Sapna Sharma, Bashyal Bishnu Maya and Rashmi Aggarwal
Reaction of rice cultivars to rice root-knot nematode Meloidogyne graminicola
Satish N Chavan, Nethi Somasekhar and LV Subbarao
DRR Dhan 52 [IET 23354 (RP5125-12-5-3-B-IR84898-B-B)]
Jyothi Badri, Jai Vidhya LRK, Lakshmidevi G, Laxmi Bhavani P, B Sreedevi, SK Mangrauthia, R Abdul Fiyaz, LV Subba Rao, MS
Prasad, V Jhansi Lakshmi, P Raghuveer Rao, Amtul Waris, Arvind Kumar and T Ram