Unveiling Genetic Variation in Rice Hybrids Through Hierarchical Clustering and Principal Component Analysis


Vijay Kumar Reddy C, Amarnath K and Ravi Kumar BNVSR*

Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, Regional Agricultural Research Station, Nandyal, Andhra Pradesh

*Corresponding author E-mail: bnvsr.ravikumar@angrau.ac.in

Volume 17-(2), 2024   ;  https://doi.org/10.58297/RIRZ5171  Click here for Pdf

Received: 13th August, 2024; Accepted: 20th October, 2024

The present investigation was carried out with 67 rice hybrids along with eight checks (four varietal and four hybrid checks) to ascertain the extent of genetic diversity for yield and yield associated traits through multivariate techniques like hierarchical clustering and principal component analysis (PCA). By using Wards method of clustering, 67 rice hybrids along with eight checks were aggregated into eight clusters based on different traits in which cluster VI comprised of 15 hybrids is the largest one followed by cluster III and IV with 12 hybrids. The hybrids in cluster I and II had highest values for test weight and effective bearing tillers /m2 respectively. Similarly, the hybrids in cluster III recorded maximum values for plant height and Grain yield. In PCA, the total variation was bisected into 10 major principal components (PCs) in which PC1, PC2, PC3 and PC4 with eigen values more than one describing 24.76%, 23.26%, 14.54 and 13.22%, respectively attributing for overall variation of 75.80%. From the present study, the hybrids viz., NRH 24, NRH 46, NRH 40, NRH 38, NRH 53, NRH 2; Hybrid checks HC2 (US 314), HC4 (HRI 174) and varietal check VC1 (BPT 5204) were identified to be genetically potential for commercial exploitation to enhance yield and its attributing traits in rice.