2. Dr. R. Seetharaman Best PhD thesis Award -2023                                                                            

Download Application Form

This award was instituted to recognise high quality fundamental and applied research done

by Ph.D. scholars in India related to rice research and development. This is an annual award

open to all Indian students in rice related research and development. The award carries a

certificate, a medal and cash prize of Rs. 10,000. The thesis should have been completed in 

the year 2022.



» Should have completed PhD

» Research work for PhD thesis should be exclusively on rice

» Should be a life member of SARR before applying for the award

» Must have received the Doctoral degree or provisional degree certificate during the

   preceding year of the award

» Application should be forwarded by the Head of Department where PhD work was


» A letter stating that the work has not been submitted for any other award

» Constituted Committee will take the decision

   Complete application/nomination along with enclosures shall also be submitted in soft 

   copy on or before the stipulated date in PDF format