Home>Journals>Journal of Rice Research 2019 (Volume 12)

In vitro studies on Ustilaginoidea virens, a rice false smut pathogen

Ladhalakshmi D, Avinash P, Valarmathi P, Laha GS and Srinivas Prasad M


Agribusiness prospects and challenges of black rice produced in North- East India   

LH Changde Catherine and Deepak Bhagat


How digital is helping farmers in  irrigation: case of auto pump  starters  using smart phones  

Meera, Shaik N, Srinivasulu M, Arun Kumar S., Raju M, Anil Kumar D, Praveen Babu R, Singh Vidhan T and 

Sambaiah A


Genetic variability for yield and its component traits in upland rice – Short Communication 

Soharu Alka and Pandey DP


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