Productivity Enchancement through Integrated Nutrient Management under System of Rice Intensification

Malay K. Bhowmick, M.C. Dhara, K. Surekha, S.K. Mukherjee, B. Naskar, R. Mahender Kumar and R.K. Ghosh 


Economics of Integrated Weed Management Practices in Rice

M. Meyyappan , C. ɪlango, S. Natarajan and A. Angayarkanni


Influence of Agronomic Practices on rice yield and nutrient uptake under SRI

M. Meyyappan, M. Ganapathy, M.V. Sriramachandrasekharan and S. Sujatha


Effect  of  Crop  Establishment   Methods and Weed   Management  Practices  on Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Yield         

Y.S. Parameswari and A. Srinivas


Response of Machine Transplanted  Rice to different  levels of  Nutrient under  Coastal Irrigated Ecosystem   

M. Srinivas, MBGS. Kumari, B. Anusha , Ch. Sreenivas and P.V. Satyanarayana  



Integrated Management of Grain Discolouration Disease in Paddy 

Y.S. Balgude and A.P. Gaikwad


Induction of Systemic resistance in rice against blast disease by bioagents and chemicals        

A.P. Gaikwad and Y.S. Balgude 


Short Communication

NLR 40054 (IET 23194) : A High Yielding Blast Tolerant Aromatic Short Grain Rice Culture

P. Ramesh  Babu, Y. Suryanarayana,  Ch. Sreelakshmi,  M. Sreevalli  Devi, R. Krishna  Naik, C.P.D.  Rajan,  P. Rajasekhar and  U. Vineetha


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