About SARR
The Society for Advancement of Rice Research (http://sarr.co.in/) is a registered society ( 2004) for researchers, research manager's, extension personnel, institutions, development agencies, trade and industry who practice and promote activities for the advancement of rice science and development. The society has been started with overall objectives of providing a platform for exchange of information and knowledge and disseminate the latest developments in rice research and to bring together all persons / institutions working for the cause of rice and rice based cropping systems. Laureates of rice science shared their views in different activities of the society in the conference, brainstorming sessions, Annual Rice Group meetings organized by SARR.
About Conference
Innovation in food system is required for regional, national and global food security and sustainability. But experiences show that over dependence and reliance on intensive use of agrochemicals, fossil-fuels and other external inputs have put the sustainability of production system at risk. This has also severely affected the health of natural resources (soil, water, environment and food quality). Thus, there is an urgent need to rethink the choice of technology; practices; policies and strategies for innovations in sustainable crop production.
The seeing-is-believing impact of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in various crops has led to the universalization of SRI principles to other crops also. Today, a new paradigm of System of Crop Intensification (SCI) has emerged which improves the productivity and resilience of crops like wheat, finger millet, sugarcane, mustard, etc. SRI and SCI along with other practices such as conservation agriculture, natural farming, etc. are now put together as agroecological practices
The proposed International Conference ICSCI2022 helps to build on the previous initiatives and experiences and provides a platform to share the advances in the knowledge gain and know-how of the SCI /SRI practices in the changing climate scenario by all the stakeholders.
About IIRR
The ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research (ICAR-IIRR) was established as the All India Coordinated Rice Improvement Project (AICRIP) by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in 1965 at Hyderabad. AICRIP was elevated to Directorate of Rice Research (DRR) in 1983 and ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research (IIRR) in 2014. IIRR (https://www.icar-iirr.org/) is involved in basic and strategic research for enhancing rice productivity under irrigated ecosystem; coordination of multi-location testing to develop location specic varieties and technologies for various ecosystems; and dissemination of technologies, capacity building and establishing linkages.
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