5. Dr. SVS Shastry SARR Fellow

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» The Society for Advancement of Rice Research (SARR) has introduced Fellows

   Programme to recognize the contributions of scientists in rice science.


» The objective of instituting the Fellows is to recognize and felicitate  the scientists for

   their significant contributions in improving  productivity,  profitability and  resilience of

   rice and rice  based systems;  involve  reputed  scientists to  harness  their knowledge 

   and expertise in accomplishing the goals of the SARR and promote the cause of SARR.


» The Nominee should be a distinguished scientist. His/her contributions should have

   been recognized nationally and internationally and supported by significant

   publications and technology generations with high impacts.


» The Fellowship will consist of a citation and medal funded by Late SVS Shastry family

   members. The Fellowship will be given annually


» The Fellow of the Society will be abbreviated as FSARR.


» A maximum of 4 Fellows will be inducted every year


» Fellows will be selected on the basis of their contributions in the field of rice research

   by an Evaluation Committee constituted by the Executive Council (EC).


» The Evaluation  Committee  will  consist of 6  members: (1) Chairman ;  (2) four expert

   members, and (3) Member Secretary. The Evaluation Committee and EC Members will

   not be candidate for the Fellow.


» The nominations for the award may be sent in the prescribed proforma and duly filled

   proforma should be sent to the SARR secretary (Email: secretarysarr@gmail.com).