3. Dr. B. Mishra Award for Outstanding Interdisciplinary Team in Rice Research (Coordinated/Collaborative research work) – (2019-2023)

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SARR has constituted Team Award for Outstanding Interdisciplinary Team Research in Rice

Research to recognize, encourage and promote the interdisciplinary research in the country.

This award is exclusively meant for interdisciplinary team of scientists for jointly planning and

implementing integrated programme/project of rice research. One award (across all streams

of agricultural sciences) would be given annually. The award carries a cash prize of Rs. 25,000

besides, Memento, Certificate and Citation.




» Rice scientists working in All India Coordinated Rice Improvement (AICRIP) engaged in

interdisciplinary team research in India in the specified subject areas are eligible.


» The team must have scientist-level representation from a minimum of three well-

recognized disciplines (i.e. Crop Improvement, Crop Production, Crop Protection and

Social Sciences).


» They must have been working on an integrated research project dealing with an

inherently interdisciplinary problem in a system based, problem solving mode.


» Nominations must be submitted in the recommended format and should be duly

authenticated and forwarded by the competent forwarding authority who may give

clear cut recommendation regarding the most significant contributions made by the

team of scientists.


» Self-nomination by the leaders of the team, duly supported by proper

documentary evidence, shall also be permitted.


» Application should be forwarded by the Competent authority


» All applicants should be Life members of the Society


» A high level evaluation committee will be constituted for this AWARD to judge

outstanding contributions of the team.


Evaluation Criteria (relative score):


» Inherently interdisciplinary nature of the research problem (10)


» Technological, socio-economic relevance and priority of the research work carried out

as team work (15)


» Integrated organization and complementary quality of the tasks taken up by individual

members of the team (10)


» Impact of the Technologies developed by the team (5)

Complete application/nomination along with enclosures shall also be submitted in soft

copy on or before the stipulated date in PDF format