Promising Technologies to Bridge the Rice Yield gaps across the Country:
Experiences from Frontline Demonstrations program
Shaik N.Meera*, S. Arun Kumar, Praveen Rapaka, Amtul Waris and S.R. Voleti
ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research (ICAR-IIRR), Hyderabad-500 030.
*Corresponding author (email:
Received: 10th Sept. 2018, Accepted: 12th Dec. 2018
Frontline demonstrations are considered to be the most effective and useful extension activity to demonstrate the latest technologies developed at research stations to the ultimate clientele, that is, farmers, in their own fields. The principle of “seeing is believing” is operational in these demonstrations, as the farmers become easily convinced when they see the performance of new technologies in the fields of their neighboring farmers. During 2017-18, through this programme, a cafeteria of rice technologies were demonstrated in 723 hectare area covering 20 states and five major rice ecosystems of the country. Out of 723 FLDs reported, about 78.7 % were conducted in irrigated rice ecosystem; whereas about 6.87% of FLDs were conducted in rainfed uplands. More than 11.51 % of FLDs were organized in shallow lowlands and 2.07% in hill ecologies. FLD technologies demonstrated in irrigated ecosystems have recorded mean yield of 5.16 t/ ha whereas in Shallow lowlands FLD technologies have recorded an average yield of 5.34 t/ha. Average demonstration yields in rainfed uplands was 3.94 t/ha. A critical analysis revealed that the mean yield advantage was the highest in hill ecologies (29%). There is a tremendous scope to bridge the yield gaps (particularly Yield gap-II) in case of Rainfed uplands (24.66 % mean yield advantage), irrigated ecologies (20.66%) and Shallow lowlands (20.97%). For this, proper extension strategies need to be deployed for large scale adoption of these technologies. In total 50 technologies have been identified from 20 states based on their performance in farmers field conditions. This shows the attainable yield potential in the farmers’ fields, which needs to be considered for planning the extension programs in these regions. The range of yield advantages explains that there are few promising technologies, if properly adopted by the farmers may result in enhancing the farm level productivity.