DRR Dhan 52 [IET 23354 (RP5125-12-5-3-B-IR84898-B-B)]
Jyothi Badri1 *, Jai Vidhya LRK1 , Lakshmidevi G1 , Laxmi Bhavani P1 , B Sreedevi1 , SK Mangrauthia1 , R Abdul Fiyaz1 , LV Subba Rao1 , MS Prasad1 , V Jhansi Lakshmi1 , P Raghuveer Rao1 , Amtul Waris1 , Arvind Kumar2 and T Ram1
1 ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research (ICAR-IIRR), Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500030
2 International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippines
*Corresponding author (Email: jyothirishik@gmail.com)