A bio-intensive insect pest management module for samba organic rice cultivation in new cauvery delta zone


Nalini R* and S Porpavai

Soil and Water Management Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Thanjavur 613 501, Tamil Nadu, India

*Corresponding author (Email: naliniento@gmail.com)

Received: 25 October 2019; Accepted: 20 December 2019


Bio-intensive organic insect pest management module (BOIPM) and Farmers organic module (FOM) were compared for the pest intensity, natural enemy abundance and grain yield. In BOIPM, the interventions were incorporation of leaves of Calotropis + Neem into the nursery soil. Freshly prepared neem seed kernel extract 5% / Pseudomonas fluorescens 0.2% was used to manage insect pest / diseases respectively in nursery. While in the main field, Daincha was raised in situ; basal application of Azospirillum + Phosphobacteria + silica solubilizing bacteria + Pseudomonas fluorescens was done. During the last ploughing, neem cake was added to the soil. Seed treatment done with Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 10g/ kg of seed. Solar light trap was installed to monitor the insect pest activity. Trichogramma japonicum and T. chilonis were released at weekly interval thrice. Bird perches were set up at 2-3 ft height in vegetative stage. To enhance natural enemies’ activity floral plants (cowpea, gingelly, sunflower, maize, black gram) were raised in the bunds all around the field. The FOM practices included incorporation of Tephrosia purpurea / Calotropis in nursery. Neem cake or crushed neem seed was added to the soil during the last ploughing. Panchagavya 3% was sprayed thrice during maximum tillering, panicle initiation and booting stage. The insect pest load was 2.05 to 2.15 times higher in the FOM as compared to the BOIPM. Population of the natural enemies was 1.96 to 2.88 times higher in the BOIPM as compared to the FOM. The mean pest defender ratio in BOIPM was 1: 2.46 compared to 1: 0.75 in the FOM. The profit earned from the BOIPM ranged from Rs. 70109/- to Rs. 77389/- per ha. There was a 10.38 per cent increased yield in Samba, 2018 over Samba, 2017 trial in BOIPM. Conversely, the profit earned form -FOM ranged from Rs. 68849/- to Rs. 56529/- per ha. There was a decreased yield trend of -17.89 per cent in Samba, 2018 over Samba, 2017 trial.

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