Yield maximization through different sources of nutrients in summer rice


Malay K Bhowmick*1, Mukherjee SK2 , Mahender Kumar R3 , Surekha K3 , Maiti PK1 and Patra SR1 1Directorate of Agriculture (Government of West Bengal), Jessop Building, 63 N.S. Road, Kolkata 700001, West Bengal, India,

2 Rice Research Station (Government of West Bengal), Chinsurah (R.S.) 712102, Hooghly, West Bengal, India

3 ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research, Rajendranagar 500030, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

*Corresponding author (Email: bhowmick_malay@rediffmail.com )


Received: 20th April 2020; Accepted: 30th May 2020


A field experiment was conducted during dry (boro) season of 2015-16 and 2016-17 at Rice Research Station, Chinsurah, Hooghly, West Bengal to evaluate the performance of improved nutrient sources in maximizing the productivity of summer rice. The results revealed that maximum grain yield (5.66 t/ha) was achieved through application of recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) at 130-65-65 kg N-P2 O5 -K2 O/ha in combination with Tabsil at 5.0 kg/ha in two equal splits at 25 and 50 days after transplanting (DAT), on par with RDF in combination with Vigore as basal application (625 g/ha) and also as foliar spray (1.25 g/L) at panicle initiation (5.47 t/ha). Different combinations of RDF with improved sources of nutrient supplements (Vigore and Tabsil) exhibited economic yield advantages to the extent of 2.93-10.55, 3.94-11.64 and 54.09-65.50% over RDF, farmers’ fertilizer practice and absolute control, respectively. Supply of nutrients in required quantities through the combinations of these nutrient sources facilitated balanced crop nutrition as well as improved nutrient use efficiency resulting in maximum grain yields due to higher values of growth and yield attributes in summer rice.

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