Annual General Body Meeting
The Annual General Body meeting of the society shall be held once in a year on any convenient day at the Head Headquarters of the society or by invitation at any university or institution. The meeting may be held with the annual workshop meetings of all India Coordinated Rice Improvement Project (AICRIP).
The functions of the General body shall include:
- Approval of the minutes of the last meeting.
- Presentation of annual report of the activities of the society during the preceding year.
- Audited statement of accounts for the official year of the society and budget estimate of the receipts and expenditure for the current year.
- Presidential address by the retiring President.
- Discussion of other reports and communications from Executive Council.
- Announcement of the nomination of Honorary members, if any.
- Elections to the vacant positions of the Executive Council.
- Appointment of Auditors.
- Consideration of resolutions, if any, received form members.
- Presentation of scientific papers and communications etc.